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Glue for a newbie
05-12-2011, 01:28 PM,
Glue for a newbie
I am new (and do not wear hair yet) , but I have heard a lot of bad things about glue. It really makes me not want to wear. I know that it depends on body chemistry, but what do I do?

Would you just rather not start?

Is tape different?

Is glue really that bad?
05-12-2011, 08:27 PM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
Not sure what exactly you mean by the last sentence there.....glue should present no more of an issue than tape...as long as you are applying to un-broken / healthy skin, there should be no more issue than strength of/ duration of the bond you`d like. All wearers have to use some product to hold their system in place.... it`s a matter of finding/deciding which one you `get on with`. Regards, Paul.
05-12-2011, 11:42 PM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
I don't think glue is bad... I guess the clean up is easier with tape, if you have heard bad things about glues then just use tape.
There are a lot of different glues available you will have to find wich one works for you, I am currently using UltraHold and I don't think its that bad.
You can also use ''got2beglued'' gel for your first attachments I heard its real easy to work with.
05-13-2011, 01:52 AM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
I guess what I am asking is, hearing so many complaints about glue, is it even worth it to wear?

I have semi-sensitive skin, and I just worry that I am going to start wearing and then not be able to and have a half shaved head that all broken out.
05-13-2011, 02:45 AM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
I read the forums a lot and to be honest I have not heard that many complaints about glue, sure there are some people that have problems with glue but I don't think its too bad... if you get a bad reaction from it then just stop it... It will not leave any scars, its not like a hair transplant were there are permanent scars, and like I mentioned already you can try got2beglued, I read its very mild.

If you absolutelly love hair and don't like being bald you should definitelly try a hair system and see if it works out for you, it is complicated at first but after a few weeks it becomes easier.
05-13-2011, 03:18 AM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
Get a bottle of scalp-protector....helps avoid irritation from tapes/glues.
05-13-2011, 07:00 AM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
use a gentle shampoo on youre scalp, "simple" or similar(rich repair for "sensitive scalps",is good.i use that for my scalp and another shampoo, vo5 silky smooth elixir for dull ,frizzy heat damaged hair , great for putting moisture back into my hair system, +boots swim &go spray in leave in conditioner.
regards the glue i use,Oil Resistant White Glue( ORWG)
works great and can last up to 3 weeks(depending on youre skin type)
some folk de bond rebond, daily weekly fortnightly.ect depending on there lifestyle.and individual body chemistry if you can tollerate a extended bond , again lifestlye comes into it.
my experiance go for a sfsl front(hairline)and the rest skin.poly to ease clean up.
iv now got my de bond bond routine soughted,
i mean i bonded yesterday after 3 weeks, had to remove clumped glue,glue that had liquified,
shave 3 weeks of new growth,wash own hair , scalp with gentle shampoo.
then clean hair system, and remove glue,
but realy thats about it in a very small nutshell.
i did make a mistake, and placed my peice a inch to far back.and thought , weird my hairline normally looks further forward when spiked.
so just spray on some alchol,gently removed, didnt do a clean up , just used the glue already there. moved peice up , cleaned front hairline , removed old glue,squirt of alchol.
applied glue wait 10mins + and bond in place with a metal com handle, ideal.for getting inbetween the front hairs and gentl; down to the lace.
iv been wearing for 7 months,and can tell you, like everything else in life once you know how its easy, wearing is no exception.
and hell when youre hair looks feels great, bloody hell so do you.
if i can help anyone , here i will, why? because im passionate about wearing.
analogy, when we got our first gas fire we were afraid to switch it on, incase we blew the house up, but after a few weeks, months, it was second nature.
enjoy, one life, to look youre best be youre bestm "hell who woudnt want that"
05-13-2011, 08:02 AM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
Thanks for the advise anty.

I am not familiar with "simple" or rich repair and only slightly familiar with vo5. (I live in the States so that may be why).

I also kind of worry about wearing poly (I know people say its a preference, but I can be kind of fussy). Is the poly too hot?

As far as lifestyle is concerned, I work a desk job, live in Southern FL, work out most days, go out on weekends. How long of a hold do you think I should shoot for, how will I know that the bond is loosening?
05-13-2011, 08:20 AM,
RE: Glue for a newbie
you can feel it long before anyone can see it.or realy i should say "see it!" because you know what to look for.
you will see the needle in the haystack, because you know its there.
with lace , a lace front hairline, you can see it long before others will, its just so subtle, no one else would see it. i looks like a flake of s tiny tiny skin sticking up, or a hair.
again its so very very fine, super fine swiss lace,
you will only truly know the hold time as you wear.
everyones diffrent, body chemistry, routines, temp lots of variables.
you may also have to , try diffrent glue types to see which one you get the best hold with,
and hopefully wont get any reaction.
i use Oil Resistant White Glue, which comes with a brush.
i remember my hair salon(one lady owner) advises , shes not keen on brush applicators as they can harbour germs bactaria, i apply with the brush then spread on to my skin with my finger, tipp: make sure youre hands fingers are washed with soap &water before applying glue.
you dont want any oils from youre fingers comming into contact with the glue,
although termpting, try to resist pressing down on the lace when you think its lifting , you'll notice it others wont,as youre introducing oil again from youre hands.
anyway,dont worry, yeah we get technical here, but , honestly,
wearing, its the best soloution right now, honest, forget the claims of medications, iv tried emm all.
yeah were all diffrent, but you'll never get the hair a hair system can give you, via the medication route, maybee in 10 years.
so when you begin wearing, embrace it love it, because it will change youre life for the better.
it has changed myne, im a worrier, and if i can do it hell.
start living with hair not hiding without it.
sincere regards anthony

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