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Story, questions & more questions
02-02-2011, 03:18 AM,
Story, questions & more questions
First off I'm glad I found this forum as I've been a long time user of systems, wigs, whatever you want to call them and I can finally ask questions...

In a nutshell I used to be a member of a club and opted out of that route to go with an independant person. Basically Im on a programme that allows me a new system every 3 months. It works out pretty well and I go see him every few weeks. Currently there is red tape used on the back and along the sides and Euro-bond in the front which I clean and reapply once a week depending on how its holding. So really not alot of maintenence on my part. It's a skin system (outer ring about 3/4inch thick all around) with the middle just lace so that it breathes..

A couple of complaints that I've had in general with these systems is that eventhough they are human hair, after a few weeks I find once water touches them, they clump up and over time it gets worse. Do you find top lace systems are better than what I'm describing?

I shampoo my hair in one direction 1-2 times a week and I use leave in conditioner right after as well to style and thats it. I stay away from Gel's unless I REALLY need that wet look. I do wet my hair in the shower everday and of course use leave in conditioner to acheive the wet look for a good portion of the morning lets say.

My questions for the forum is how do you deal with situations where you sweat and need it to look even. What I mean is going to the gym where when you sweat your hair at the sides and back will get wet yet your top stays bone dry? I've stayed away from a gym because of this.

If your hair clumps, what do you do if and when you go swimming. I've stayed away from swimming because of this too.

Also for sports guys, I know playing hockey its the same situation where once I take off my helmet I put a hat on to kind of hide the dryness on top.

I also play in a band from time to time and if it's going to be a hot stage that is when I use the gel as I dont want the top of my hair to be dry.

I know I asked alot of questions but it's been something I've been wanting to ask for years.

Thanks guys..
02-02-2011, 03:48 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
I've only been wearing a little over a week, but I have wet my hair every day and not experienced any clumping at all. I have showered in the piece every day and used hair product in it every day - no clumping whatsoever.
02-02-2011, 05:08 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
Hi LPdude.. I won`t attempt to answer all of your questions.. I`d like others to chip in with their 2-cents worth also. No doubt you`ve read posts I`ve done in the past, covering what products I use and my care-routine. I reckon you`re washing too frequently .... I don`t see any point in shampooing hair if it`s not actually dirty ...some of the Gels can have a drying effect [that has been my experience in the past] How come the guy you go to has not addressed these issues for you ? Surely you have pointed it out to him ? You are paying him after all, so you should be able to raise your issues with him. I cannot really speak negatively about your system as I don`t know enough about it such as where the hair is sourced, and where the system is made.
It seems odd though, that you are using leave-in conditioner and yet you are having issues...... I will be doing a small thread/post this evening with a few pics showing my system now, 6 months in daily use, and still in really good condition.... I had exactly the same issues as you when I was with one particular salon...the hair was literally like something plucked from a horse !! Kept looking and feeling lifeless and dry and tended to knot together.... have NEVER had any such issues since I began wearing Toplace systems.I often went to a gym wearing a system and no-one batted an eyelid in my direction ..why not just wear a sweat-band ? To me anyway, pure guess now -- I could be wrong--but sounds like the hair is possibly heavily-processed at the start ..that strips the outer layer from the hair and leads to all kinds of issues after a while .....dryness being one. The hair in Toplace systems is Remy hair...only very mildly processed....it has a nicer texture to it and tends not to go into knots... I reckon that`s at the heart of your issues....I`d like to hear what other wearers think though....regards, Paul.
02-02-2011, 06:03 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
well, i was just like u but into a month to month only contract years ago. as i would not sign a yearly one.. main reason crap inconsist. some units after 1 week got like straw , not a thing would help...they would bond back and sides and use blue tape , once a month, as like you i started searching on yahoo etc..i found toplace..if the unit you order is a good one no hair bumps as bad as u described. not all are equal. some last longer then others. i shower and sleep with mine . i cannot get 6 months out of 1 unit but for $200 each i dont care. andi advise u to sendin an old unit to have john copy. i had to steal one out of an hcm trash can as it was all such a secret.onceu get one i would get away from that bonding as i was addicted to it yrs ago. the lace on these units breath so good.i tryedall these strong . but i like all tape as i can get it looking really good...u got not a thing to waste . just a couple of hundred..u gain . no big $$ tippping and lose of time traveling to hair place. freedom u will get. try doing it youself
it was the best decision on hair i ever made...that $300+ month and tips travel lost of work..what a wasteof quality time
, they clump up and over time it gets worse. Do you find top lace systems are better than what I'm describing?

yes it gets much better.
02-02-2011, 06:41 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
Thanks guys for the reply. I'm not sure where my guy gets the systems from. I think they are from a supplier in colorado which outsource to a factory. They have my name on them etc. I will say one systems density once was so bad that I could see the front scallop and I had my old system put back on and the messed up system sent back. There have been times where the hair when dryer faster.

I wash my hair every 2nd or 3rd day because if I use leave in conditioner after 2 days the hair looks like it needs a wash. Basically I lightly towel dry my hair, comb it through, take some leave in conditoner (the size of a quarter) run some water into it and run it through my hair, then comb it.

Currently my hair is the 6 inch length on the system and over the years 10+ I have found the longer the hair is the faster it goes. Also with my current one, I find after 6-9 weeks I need a colour touchup or it lightens a bit.. do you guys find that?

I only had lace once at the club and it was a disaster (that was many years ago) I generally use the bond in the front as I like to wear the hair line combed back a bit and if I cheat the bond and go infront of my line, the hairs at the front of the system will catch and stagger giving it an amazing look.

Just an FYI, where the system attaches at the back and sides, my hair there grows really fast so in a matter of 3 weeks, the system will move about 1/8 of an inch.

Part of my worry is if I could get the old system as a keeper could I send that in, and then they cut it to that size with lace? Im worried about cutting my own or the lace showing...

***edit*** when I go for my service my head get shaved with a electric razor.. there is this clear glue (not euro-bond, something that is in a steel container) that is applied on my scalp that dries for about 10 mins and then on the system there is red tape put from temple to temple with bond on the front of the system and the front of my forehead
02-02-2011, 07:04 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
Yes you can use an old system as a template ..your new system will be made to that size and [importantly] to the same contour. You should be able to do your own bonds without any problems as you`re well -used to what`s involved and used to seeing your head shaved....that`s something many newbies find most mentally-challenging..... I certainly would not allow anything to be stuck to my head now for 3 weeks...no way. 7 -10 days is the max. in my opinion.... a regular de-bonding is required for hygiene and before the adhesive products break down and cause a tacky mess. Bobbyphilly has a vlaid point --for the sake of 200$ or so for a nice Toplace system, you can`t go wrong ! Paul.
02-02-2011, 07:28 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
(02-02-2011, 07:04 AM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: Yes you can use an old system as a template ..your new system will be made to that size and [importantly] to the same contour. You should be able to do your own bonds without any problems as you`re well -used to what`s involved and used to seeing your head shaved....that`s something many newbies find most mentally-challenging..... I certainly would not allow anything to be stuck to my head now for 3 weeks...no way. 7 -10 days is the max. in my opinion.... a regular de-bonding is required for hygiene and before the adhesive products break down and cause a tacky mess. Bobbyphilly has a vlaid point --for the sake of 200$ or so for a nice Toplace system, you can`t go wrong ! Paul.

You raise valid points.. The thing is I would need to still go somewhere to get it cut and blended in however I could change it when I want kinda thing which is neat. The one thing that has always gotten me is with scalloped systems is if I tilt my head back and look into the mirror, if I dont have some of the hair eurobonded down I can see a little black line around the scallops and I can see where the system outline is... I've heard about this movie hair thing .... is that just a lace front?
02-02-2011, 09:01 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
Possibly lace is being referred-to....there are plenty of pics on here of exposed front hairlines done in lace. Let us know which area you are in ..there may be a wearer who can recommend a stylist in your area .....your systems sound very ``old`` to me .. that scalloped front thing is kind of past-tense` I would have thought ?
02-02-2011, 10:35 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
(02-02-2011, 09:01 AM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: Possibly lace is being referred-to....there are plenty of pics on here of exposed front hairlines done in lace. Let us know which area you are in ..there may be a wearer who can recommend a stylist in your area .....your systems sound very ``old`` to me .. that scalloped front thing is kind of past-tense` I would have thought ?

When you look from top down its great, just when I tilt my head back, head on I can see the system. Pot lights are the worst. I could get a new piece stand under a pot light and quiver..lol

I need to find the pics straight on with the hair combed back
02-08-2011, 04:17 AM,
RE: Story, questions & more questions
Ok so I was able to get my old piece yesterday and thought I would show you what it was. I blocked out my name hence the grey box. So I assume this is called poly all around and the front is scalloped. Because of the contour of the piece and the angle I held the camera you cant see the scallops in the front but they are there.

Like I stated before my routine is using Eurobond in the front every 4-5 days and the sides and back are held by red tape to the piece and polyfuse on my head. I get this taken/shaved off every 3 weeks.

So based on all the information, is my piece considered old school and dated?? I'm not a big fan of huge change so I'd like to stick to a similar routine if you know what I mean (not a huge amount of maintenance). I would be wearing this 24/7.

I'm curious about lace fronts and what supplies I would need. Also I guess if I was doing this myself I would go for a form of tape for the sides and back and a glue in the front?? Also if I sent in this piece to toplace, would they cut the system to the same size so I can get it back and use it or do I need to cut lace etc which Im nervous about. What about colour? I could cut a piece of the new piece I have on now for colour matching?

A lot of questions, just trying to make this as painless as possible..


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