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how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
10-20-2010, 08:17 AM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
good on yahh m8, keep in touch!
10-20-2010, 04:12 PM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
what about reattachment are you guys taking that to the salon or reattaching it yourselves? is it possible to reattach on your own or would you need someone telling you how it looks especially for the back part, what does the back part where ur hair meets the fake hair look like? is there any gap seen when someone runs their hand from back of neck to top of the head? i think thats what i would be more worried about since you got no clue whats going on back there
10-20-2010, 04:20 PM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
Thats no Prob with a second mirror.
10-20-2010, 08:11 PM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
Balamouti is spot-on with his advice there --keep the density on the low side for your first system [you can always go up a little in subsequent orders] and you`ll attract minimal attention. Dampening the hair is a great trick too -- I often use that. hollisterco --you`d be surprised how simple it is to see / locate your attachment points using a hand -held mirror, as Ruulkasar said, while sitting in front of a larger one --the main trick is get your front hairline correct first, and the back will naturally fall `` into place`` -- it doesn`t have to be to within the nearest millimetre or anything like that ----when the bond is done and you run your fingers through your hair, unless you were out by a large amount, you won`t easily detect the join....... I know for a person who has never worn, that ALL kinds of negative scenarios go through your head before you take the plunge..... ``what if this, what if that `` you know ?
Wearing really is not that difficult----- I reckon ALL wearers come across different issues at times but nothing that can`t be `worked around` with relative ease ...... the only real `disaster` stories as far as I can see, are that thread regarding Korean systems with pics to prove it --- any of the pics here of Toplace customers/ systems, are all pretty good ....you may not like the styles or densities of individual systems, but there are no real disastrous ones. Provided you order something resembling the hair you had, I can promise, you`ll have no major issues...... I know fully how nerve-wracking it can be to make the leap into this world, and there are attachment /detachment worries, but it really isn`t something to be afraid of ... I`m sure now that Antywanty, would agree with me here [he might like to confirm ] that once he`s seen how it`s done, it`s not rocket-science and need not be feared....Working with your system and doing your bonding , especially in the early days, will take you time, but you`ll get better and faster at it every time...... the back part of a system, to my way of thinking is just as important as the front and I`m very very conscious of it. I have found another handy way of being able to see it and work at the system without having to hold mirrors is, I have a large rectangular mirror on the bathroom wall --- alongside it I attached [to the wall ] one of those circular extendable shaving mirrors -- I can see the back and sides really well in the extendable one ---it`s handy if I want to fold up any part of the perimeter and put on some glue to the poly part -- I can see what I`m doing with both hands free. I took pics of it with the digital camera just now ..will up-load to the computer and post here shortly.... a picture paints a thousand words and all that ! Paul.
10-20-2010, 09:15 PM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
Have tried to upload the pics just now, three times without success --they will not attach for some reason.... this hasn`t happened to me before.. maybe it`s a problem with the site at the moment... they are showing as uploading/uploaded, but will not attach. Hmmm. Will try later again and see if it will happen for me. Paul.
10-20-2010, 11:00 PM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
Wouldn`t computers just do your head in at times ? I re -took the pics using my `ordinary`[read `poor quality`] webcam thing ... it will now allow me to upload the pics from the webcam library but not the ones taken with my digital camera -- the mind boggles.! The pic quality is not as good, so once again, please make allowance for it... The mirrors pic is not as clear as there is no flash on the webcam [obviously] and the lighting was not great in the bathroom...but it give an idea of the set -up. The others I just threw in to show what the system looks like now having been washed and conditioned last night for only about the third time in approx. 3 months of wear. Feel free to ask any questions or make any observations ----and by the way, NO -- I do NOT have a glass head --it`s simply a head-shape my stylist gave me to sit the system on and it`s glass ! LOL ! In the pic showing the brown-ish colour [the last pic ], it can be seen at the front, the 1b colour is more obvious --it`s just a shade `up`from black. Paul.
p.s. ..the shine off the system is due to it being near the window and there was strong sunshine coming in [believe it or not, Ireland does actually see the sun once in a while :-) ]

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10-24-2010, 10:48 PM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
Guys, a quick question - would you mind mentioning which glues you use? This is by far my biggest issue. Everything I have tried basically fails within a day. The piece is easily peeled off, and my scalp is tacky, with little gooey balls, The idea of a "bond" for me is the holy grail now!!

One suggestion I have not tried (but will as soon as my two reserve pieces arrive) is Ultrahold - but I have heard it is shockingly messy and worse, difficult to clean up.

Before I do that, are there any others that anyone can recommend? I have to date tried: Perfector Plus, Mighty Tight, Farrell Blue (I was a Farrell customer briefly) Base Bond (which is currently best for me - although weak, at least cleans up easily - as I must do daily attachments) and some other dab on product whose name escapes me, but didn't hold.

I eagerly tried Got2Be Glued - but that was way too weak.

I have also tried various tapes, which give in after an hour or so.

Any other options to try, would be appreciated. I do shampoo scalp, then clean with Lace release, alcohol and finally scalp protector before applying, and this helps slightly, but often the hairline is lifting within the first hour or so of application.

I really need to nail this problem, as it is by far the thing that is ruining the whole wearing experience for me.
10-25-2010, 05:59 AM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
Howdy....... this is an e mail address I very very rarely use, and only just thought of a little while ago.... only created it as a stand-by in case I was having problems with my usual ones..... I`m not so concerned about spam for it so I will publish it here: [email protected] ...... if anyone wants to contact me, feel free but PLEASE, leave a post to say you have sent the mail, because I RARELY open it up [it`s a microsoft chat thingy with a free e mail account] --obviously I will open it if anyone tells me they have mailed me..... Antywanty, you were looking for an address for me...you can use this one.
Your question regarding glues....hmm. I haven`t yet used `Ultrahold`so cannot comment on it or the amount of clean-up involved. I bought a large tub of a glue called `Tracksafe` from the last Salon I dealt with, which was in Dublin [ I live in Cork which is 160 miles away] and was for touch-ups if the bond loosened. It used to be manufactured here but I have tried to locate it since to no avail. I know it`s available in U.K. ....it`s `pricey`but is very good. I asked Debbie about it and she knew of it and said it`s very good. I know the price is a little over 21£ sterling [ approx 33 U.S. $ ] for a 50ml bottle. The bottle I have [over two years now] is 150ml so it really has lasted, but I was using tapes for quite a few months on my salon systems too so not using a lot of the `home`bottle --I still have half of it left. I wonder are your issues caused by oily/damp scalp? You can clean the scalp and `seal`it with `` Scalp protector`` --available on -line from Debbie and I posted a pic of the bottle on another thread some time back --- just go to Debbie`s site and there are pics there..... that may help with that issue by providing a good `foundation for your glue, though it sounds like the actual system is coming free from the glue rather than the skin/glue bond weakening?
Are you wearing all -lace ? I assume you are putting on a few layers of glue ? Sounds `odd`to me...... will wait to hear from you in due course ..regards for now, Paul.
10-25-2010, 08:39 AM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
(10-25-2010, 05:59 AM)Paul In Ireland Wrote: Howdy....... this is an e mail address I very very rarely use, and only just thought of a little while ago.... only created it as a stand-by in case I was having problems with my usual ones..... I`m not so concerned about spam for it so I will publish it here: [email protected] ...... if anyone wants to contact me, feel free but PLEASE, leave a post to say you have sent the mail, because I RARELY open it up [it`s a microsoft chat thingy with a free e mail account] --obviously I will open it if anyone tells me they have mailed me..... Antywanty, you were looking for an address for me...you can use this one.
Your question regarding glues....hmm. I haven`t yet used `Ultrahold`so cannot comment on it or the amount of clean-up involved. I bought a large tub of a glue called `Tracksafe` from the last Salon I dealt with, which was in Dublin [ I live in Cork which is 160 miles away] and was for touch-ups if the bond loosened. It used to be manufactured here but I have tried to locate it since to no avail. I know it`s available in U.K. ....it`s `pricey`but is very good. I asked Debbie about it and she knew of it and said it`s very good. I know the price is a little over 21£ sterling [ approx 33 U.S. $ ] for a 50ml bottle. The bottle I have [over two years now] is 150ml so it really has lasted, but I was using tapes for quite a few months on my salon systems too so not using a lot of the `home`bottle --I still have half of it left. I wonder are your issues caused by oily/damp scalp? You can clean the scalp and `seal`it with `` Scalp protector`` --available on -line from Debbie and I posted a pic of the bottle on another thread some time back --- just go to Debbie`s site and there are pics there..... that may help with that issue by providing a good `foundation for your glue, though it sounds like the actual system is coming free from the glue rather than the skin/glue bond weakening?
Are you wearing all -lace ? I assume you are putting on a few layers of glue ? Sounds `odd`to me...... will wait to hear from you in due course ..regards for now, Paul.

Best bonding for me:
The full head bond with something like Safe-grip felt awesome.
The piece really feels like it is part of you. So hard to find the "join" even by touch. You can run fingers back and forth up and down. . .can't find the line of demarcation.
The cleanup takes more time though . . .

Perimeter bond with pro-flex with a few tapes down the middle.
Tape for the front (your choice) just leave a bit at the front for glue.
Very easy cleanup after a week or 2.
To De/re assuming you take your sweet time. . . 30 mins. This includes taking a long shower and drying your piece till it's just damp.
11-01-2010, 06:12 AM,
RE: how long did it take u to get the hang of it?
It came pretty quick to me. For some it takes time, others not so much. I mean its not rocket science, just got to see what works for you. Just a little patience and practice. Don't get me wrong, I have had days where i wanted to throw the damn thing in the garbage out of frustration. The more you get used to it, the more it will become like any other routine. You end up learning ways to make your life easier and faster without as much of a hassle, once the novelty of having hair wears off, You want it to be easier to deal with. At least that is where I stand now.

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