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where is everybody
10-31-2008, 05:35 AM,
Re: where is everybody
Zappa here. I only check in about once a week (or month). An irregular regular for about three years. I have seen MB in this forum more than I did in the old one.

We all still check in and contribute as needed.

10-31-2008, 08:28 AM,
Re: where is everybody
Baldrich Wrote:The way the community on the old forum has dwindled away is a serious concern. It had a uniquely supportive atmosphere, and the high traffic meant newbies could get guidance almost in real time if things were going wrong for them.

However, there is another more important reason to miss it. Before BA launched it, the main source of information for newbies contemplating a hairpiece was a site whose owner was in the pay of one particularly expensive rugmaker. The site's repeated attempts to plug that maker's products, including surreptitious censorship of dissenting posts, completely skewed the true picture of what was available and at what price. I am sure there are still plenty who can remember that situation, and perhaps even who fell victim to it. BA brought transparency to a very murky industry, and it is no exaggeration to say he transformed it in favour of the consumer. But that achievement is now in jeopardy. I fear that if this forum dies off other less scrupulous operators will fill the vacuum, and we will revert to the bad old days.

Although I have nothing particularly against this new format, I think Toplace should consider reversing its decision by re-opening the old forum, while it is still possible.

yes i agree with you . i was looking at the old forum before it was far busier and if a newbies wanted to no something someone would answer it in no time .it be nice if it could reopen . notice gel doesnt post on here

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