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Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
01-09-2010, 11:08 AM,
Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
Hello there. I'm in need of your time and attention to help me choosing (or not) to go the hair piece route, and I thank you in advance for your input.

First of all a little introduction about my hair story


I'm 27 years old and I always had thin hair. At 16, people were already mentioning my hair was very thin and it looked like I was going to be bald soon. As you might imagine, this is not very reassuring at such age, and since early my hair has been a big concern to me.

Since I played guitar in a rock band during my high school phase, I started using my hair long, which helped concealing the hair loss.

At 18 I started taking propecia, and I have been on 1,25mg/day since then. In the beginning my hair was thin, and the thinning has always slowly progressed. Propecia didn't make me regrow any hair, but it probably slowed down the loss. In my family, my uncle had premature MPB, as well as a 1st degree cousin.

As to my balding pattern, I actually find it is quite unusual. Even though it's thinner, I still have my full hair line, and temple points, but my hair is incredibly thin everywhere, specially on top and sides. You can easily see a lot of my scalp on my sides if I'm not using concealers. It looks like female pattern baldness, and I don't know if this is common in men, but I think not.

I graduated, and 2 years ago I started working on a very demanding and high responsability environment, and I decided it was time to cut my hair short. The thinning was now more evident, and I started using concealers, namely hairsoreal and specially dermmatch. Even though concealers were self-esteem life-savers, they are a pain in the *** to use. In the last year I noticed that thinning was progressing, and I have had to use more and more concealer. In the last year I have to wash my hair every morning, because my scalp is extremely oily, and then go through a 40-45 minute routine of drying, applying dermmatch, dry again, apply hairsoreal, apply styling cream and take the residue out of my nape, ears and sink. As you might imagine, this is extremely time consuming, and I just can't simply get up in the morning and go out to the street, because my hair will be oily, messy and thin. Add to that having to use black sheets in my bed to avoid coloring them with the brown dermmatch and also having to hide all this from my girlfriend, and you'll understand that this takes a lot of work and effort in my daily life.

As if that wasn't enough, dermmatch has that usual chalky and dusty look, looking very bad with some kinds of lightning. Because of this, in the last months I've also been using a powder concealer from Shabo along with dermmatch, since the Shabo concealer doesn't have the chalky look, and actually gives quite a healthy shine to the hair.

At present, using concealers I can have a full head of hair, with full hair line, no scalp visible, freestyle styling, and I bet no one thinks I'm going bald, and I bet some people might think that my hair looks weird if they look at it in bad lighting situations. Still... even though I don't have frontal recession, my hair has thinned considerably in the hair line, so I can say that right now my hair line with dermmatch looks a bit weird, but since people don't even know these products exist, they will not think I'm using "scalp paint".

You could think why I don't shave my hair... well, my skull is definitely not one that would look good with a hair shave, so that is not an option. Besides that I know how hair changes your look, and I've already made the decision many years ago that I want to have hair, no matter how.

After this long introduction, here comes the important part, regarding hair pieces. I never considered using one because I didn't know there were such amazing hair pieces being made in the present. I usually go to the hairlosstalk forum, and they are mostly "anti-wig" over there, so I never considered that option. That was until I saw the famous "Mr Burns" posts, where I saw someone my age, with a very simillar story to mine, with an amazing hair system that looked absolutely convincing. In the last weeks, I've been thinkings endlessly about this subject, and I currently need your guidance to help me.

At first I wanted to go with a topper, but I was extremely worried with the blending, because I would have to continue to use dermmatch or Shabo in my sides and back. I guess this makes the blend very difficult, and I'll still have to use this products everyday, as well as wash my hair everyday. I have a dream where I'll be able to live as a "normal person", not having to worry that much with my hair every morning, not having to spend almost an hour trying to fix my thinning, not making a mess out of my bathroom, not having to worry with so many other things.

After reading several information here, I have some questions to ask you:

1- Do you think I should go with a topper + concealers on side and back, or I should go for the full cap route?

2- My scalp and skin is extremely oily. I have to wash my hair every 24 hours, or it will look awful. I'm worried that this will cause me trouble with an hair piece. Do you think I can keep my hair piece for at least 5-7 days, even having an oily scalp?

3- Is it possible to try a topper/full cap without shaving my hair, and make sure it will look good, until I take the plunge for the shaving?

4- As to costs... I currently spend about 125dollars (perhaps more) every month in products for my hair... do you think the hair piece route will be cheaper or costlier? By how much?

5- As to my girlfriend... I never told her I use concealers. She respects my privacy a lot, and she never interrupts me when I'm in my bathroom. I don't honestly know if she knows I use them, but I try to believe she doesn't. Anyway, our relationship is strong, and I know that one day I'll have to tell her, but I would like to wait at least an year before I would do it. Do you think a well applied hair piece can be undetectable even for someone who is near your almost every day of the week? I'm not worried of her running her hands through my hair, because she fortunately never does it, I'm just worried if it will be noticeable.

6- How much time do you think I'll have to spend with the maintenance and adjustment of the hairpiece? How long does it take to clean it? How much time will I have to spend daily adjusting the hairline, etc?

7- Are hair systems detectable in bars/night clubs which have that purple light that makes white things glow?

8- About the cut... I think I don't have the courage to go to a salon and tell someone "hey, I'm wearing a hair piece, would you please cut it for me?". As such, do you think I could manage to get a decent haircut made by myself?

And that's all. Sorry for such a long post, but I'm sure you understand that this is a very important step, which should be taken with caution and reflection. I'm looking forward to hear your answers.


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With very greasy hair (which can happen in 18-24 hours), showing scalp even with concealers
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01-09-2010, 11:48 AM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
The photos with your concealers look really good. If you can manage that look and not mind the time and money invested, then I say stick with it until you absolutely cannot anymore (i.e., once concealers don't give you good results).

In wearing, here is a realistic statement: you will NEVER be 100% normal or 100% worry-free regarding your hair. Once you wear, you will realize there is a whole different set of "worries/paranoia" that will run through your head.

In the time you will spend wearing a piece: as a beginner, you will face challenges. Frustration, worrisome, fear, and a whole lot of other other negative feelings is almost guaranteed. Once, you get used to the wearing game, it will be easier. Once you master it, wearing will be wonderful and possible you can achieve that normalcy you wanted (even though it'll be at 90% or so). If you are NOT the type that is (1) up for challenges, (2) keep your sanity when things get difficult, and (2) willing to learn, then hair wearing might not be for you. In this game, you need to be flexible and improvising.

I will hold off in giving you my opinions on whether you should get a topper or a full cap. Think about what was said above first, before we move on. I know how all this is eating away at you (most of us have been through what you're feeling), but try not to worry about it too much. If hair loss one day drives you absolutely crazy, all you have to do is google people without eyes, noses, limbs, etc., it's not to look at people less fortunate to make us feel better, but it's to make us realize how fortunate we really are.

Hope this helps a little. In my opinion, your concealers looks great.

01-09-2010, 12:20 PM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
Thanks a lot for your answer.

As to worries and fears, I've learned to live them since I was 18.

First, when I had long hair I had to comb it back, and I would check it about ten times during the day, and once in a while I would get the dreaded "you are getting bald man", that would absolutely ruin my day.

Since I started using concealers, I've always worried too. These photos are in a good light, but on sunlight things are very different, and if on the interior there is only strong halogen lights on the top, then it will look I have half of the hair visible in the concealer photos. Besides that, there's the chalky and unnatural look, the mess around my bathroom, the hairsoreal particles all over white things in the bathroom, the whole ritual of applying it (I have to get up one hour earlier because of it), and many other things. I'd say that it's something I learned to live with, but it exists within my conscious frameset 100% of the time. Still, it's much more bearable than having to be conscious of an exposed overall baldness being 27 years old...

As I've said, I decided I won't shave, and I have the notion that there are far greater problems. My work involves helping other people, and I'm also trying to help myself but having hair that looks more natural, and which doesn't make me spend hours and hours of maintenance each week.

I think you can move on to the next questions. Smile Thanks once more.
01-09-2010, 12:59 PM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
At first I was going to say just get a normal topper.

But your sides look thin, the temples are ok, but they look thin just above the ear at the back. I'm in the same boat with the sides at the back.
01-09-2010, 01:03 PM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
Spartan Wrote:At first I was going to say just get a normal topper.

But your sides look thin, the temples are ok, but they look thin just above the ear at the back. I'm in the same boat with the sides at the back.

If I comb my hair down with a brush, without concealers, the scalp will show a LOT. Even with concealers sometimes it's hard.
01-09-2010, 10:39 PM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
Mate I have been losing my hair since I was 17 so I know what its like as a youngen!!! You do a great job with the concealers, the best I have seen I think!! Heres the deal, with a topper you are still going to have to use concealers on the side, which if you don't mind doing go for it. I have BAD sides, no temple points so I started off with a topper, made a great difference in my life!! After 2 of them I have gone on to the full cap, wish I had done it from the start. Everything about it is easier I feel!!!! Looking at your hair, it looks like if you weren't suffering from MPB you would have thick hair and with your concealer it looks that way to. So the great thing is that with that kinda messy style and longish hair, even if your template isn't 100% bang on you can adjust it or still get away with it anyway. As it would be your first one I would suggest going with all french lace with a poly perimeter, just so that it eases clean up for you until you are use to it. You will have to shave your whole head or leave some at the nape if you would like to blend it in. Then put it on, remove the tape at the nape, secure, mark your hairline and temples with a eye liner pencil, then flop back so its hanging off the back of your head. Then put some tape on your scalp and glue to the mark you have made, allow to dry so its tacky, then ROLL the system into place. JROB posted this way and it is the easiest way I have found, especially with medium+ length hair. Good luck mate and trust me, you won't regret it!!! One more thing, go with a new hairstyle, with a fringe so if you don't get the hairline bang on, it does take practice, it won't matter!!! Also people will think you just had your hair styled!!!
01-09-2010, 10:52 PM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
Here are some pics that I hope will help and show you how a full cap looks in the real world!!


I was drunk at this point!!

Attached Files Image(s)
01-10-2010, 04:27 AM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
Thanks a lot for all the input so far.

In case I go for the hair piece route, I'm almost sure I will go full cap. My hair looks much worse with concealers in different kinds of light, and in the last months I've been loosing the "battle" with my hair, because it's getting harder and harder to conceal the hair loss. As such, going with a topper will always make me have lots of trouble with concealing sides and back, as well as getting a good match.

I'm looking forward for more opinions on this.

Best regards
01-10-2010, 05:00 AM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
Tunners, how do you cope with the twisting of the nape? How many days do you get before you do a reattachment?
01-10-2010, 05:47 AM,
Re: Overall thinning hair - full cap vs topper -questions/photos
I use blue liner at the back which holds like shit to a blanket!!! So that isn't a problem. I use supertape everywhere else. I go weekly for changes, find it best for clean up!!!! A full cap when attatched is so much more secure in my eyes than a topper.

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