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Girl at bar
10-25-2009, 05:30 PM,
Girl at bar
So I was at a very trendy bar last night and was approached by 3 girls-30 somethings. I decided to move in on the dirty dancing crazy one. Anyhow, she thought the people in the bar were stuck up and fake, and was quite pessimistic about everything. She suddenly and without warning then grabs my hair and pulled on it and asks me if it was real. Of course she realized it was when she nearly pulled my scalp off. My hair still looks good. Anyhow, she continued to flirt and kiss but her obnoxiousness finally annoyed me to the point I left.

What worried me though is had I been wearing hair (I intend in getting small partial soon for NW1 hairline), I would have been caught. Any suggestions? ,,,,I guess stay away from crazy women, good reflexes and have good comeback for why you wont let them yank on hair.
10-25-2009, 09:01 PM,
Re: Girl at bar
Realistically speaking, chances are that will never again happen in your life.
10-26-2009, 02:57 AM,
Re: Girl at bar
I agree, that was a once in a lifetime experience.
10-26-2009, 05:48 AM,
Re: Girl at bar
Plus shed have to touch exactly where ur small partial is :-) I had a girl pull my hair while i was wearing and she didnt notice anything. as long as its attached right im not overly concerned. And i use hair product and gel etc. Its hard to even get ur fingers into the hair anyway s
10-26-2009, 07:39 AM,
Re: Girl at bar
Interesting, I didn't know that this was a risk?!

A number of of girls I've been with have been thepretty randy types. One of them (very memorably!) was very..uh..easily excitable. She liked to pull my hair.

I'd been under the impression that these bonds are so strong that you could even pull on the hair and it wouldn't come off. That's not the case?

It seems as I do my ongoing research, just as I'm sold on it, some new potential nightmare outing possibility rears it's head!
10-26-2009, 07:40 AM,
Re: Girl at bar
I've never had a girl in public, or even romantically in private, pull my hair.

I guess some chicks are just insane.
10-26-2009, 08:19 AM,
Re: Girl at bar
Sex is unpredictable!!

So that means it is indeed pull-off-able? Or are there different glues or tapes that would hold better than others?
10-26-2009, 11:25 AM,
Re: Girl at bar
Just tried it, with supertape on the perimeter only and a 3 day old attachment. Hair wouldnt budge. To rip off a unit, it would have to be grabbed right at an edge, and even then it can only be a small amount of hair grabbed. If too much hair is grabbed the larger surface area of the tape prevents it from lifting. I have to believe the chances of this happening to anybody are less than 1%
10-26-2009, 01:24 PM,
Re: Girl at bar
in the future when i wear hair, there will be some things that people shall never do in public, and that is yank on my hair. i dont want a ben affleck moment. leave the hair pulling for the bedroom
10-26-2009, 01:33 PM,
Re: Girl at bar
Ben Afleck had his hair pulled off?

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