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how beneficial is a knot sealer?
02-12-2012, 09:17 AM,
RE: how beneficial is a knot sealer?
Sounds like your care -routine is ok Eric...... there are other variables in the mix too of course, such as your local water supply and whatever may be `lurking`in it ...some people use filtered -water when cleaning their system .... another factor can be the actual `batch`of donor-hair.....sometimes you can suffer a heavy-shed abruptly, and your next order you get can last twice the time ! It`s always best to have a stand-by system to hand for such scenarios/emergencies...... I know this is your first time wearing so hopefully your new system arrives imminently and you get a longer-life [non-shedding ]this time...... what you describe seems `odd` and I`m wondering why it`s mainly confined to one side..... I know you said the density was originally not uniform on both sides though--that has probably made the shedding more obvious on the thinner side...... when your new one arrives, avoid Gels and hairsprays [if you have been using them] and just use the Enhance daily---I find no need to shampoo when using it, as there is no product build-up and the hair is not actually `dirty`[greasy/oily] as some growing-hair can be, so why shampoo it ? Just spritz daily with water and use `Enhance`liberally....... I wonder are you using a shampoo formulated for system hair too ? Just try my `routine`for a month/ six weeks, and then see how your system compares/behaves in contrast to this first one.....you`ll then be able to tell if the hair is lasting better in terms of texture and /or shedding. This game can be a bit hit-and-miss even after digesting and memorising every tip in the book..... some `Variables` will always be in the mix and we are all at their mercy...... also, there is a balancing-act in terms of densities, the advantage of a slightly higher density, is that if/when shedding begins, you have more time before it becomes obvious, but for guys of a certain age, ordering a density which is not age-appropriate can draw unwanted `attention`...... I reckon this game is akin to being a tight-rope walker ! Look forward to seeing the pics of your new one cut-in....cheers.

Messages In This Thread
how beneficial is a knot sealer? - elvis - 01-12-2012, 10:44 AM
RE: how beneficial is a knot sealer? - Paul In Ireland - 02-12-2012, 09:17 AM

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