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My 2 cents about website bashing
05-28-2010, 12:10 AM,
My 2 cents about website bashing
I noticed recently on another forum recently had a thread bashing HR sites for not using real hair wearers for their ads. And they have particularly enjoyed poking fun at TL's new site, though not by name, while promoting their forum's sponsor as more legit. While they have a point, it doesn't matter because it's all marketing anyway; just because a site has great before/after photos of real clients doesn't mean that I will receive a great unit or great service. All that counts is the product I receive for my needs, and no matter how great the website is, it is no guarantee that the end product to me will be great. All the internet sites are brokers; it's the factories that make or break a company. Good or bad output from the factory decides what the reputation of the company has.

Any particular site interprets and processes our orders; it's up to the factory to get it right. Even I wish I understood more of the assembly process so as to order my units more effectively. I have been guilty of sending in impossible specs in the past through ignorance of the process, and was lucky to receive anything worth wearing. I've found the KISS principle is in full force with HR companies.

Website marketing is used to get our attention; any connection to reality is purely coincincidental. The more detailed the product offering specs, the better. And it's always better to talk to a person rather than depend on email only. It doesn't mean your order will be correct, but it gives you better odds. To me, whoever gets me the best product for the best price with good service will get my business; marketing is just a detail.

My 2 cents on the subject...

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My 2 cents about website bashing - mcnash - 05-28-2010, 12:10 AM

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