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Dealing with an Obnoxious Friend
01-09-2012, 02:17 PM,
RE: Dealing with an Obnoxious Friend
(01-08-2012, 11:16 PM)Daveraver Wrote: Look.
The bottom line is, unfortunately, for centuries, any male who is homosexual was looked down upon. Whether that person was black, white, catholic etc etc, being gay was viewed as not being "right"

To this day, this is still the case. Although with modern media, it seems to become a tad more acceptable. But do I see guys walking hand hand in hand with girls in the high street? Yes, i see it all the time. Do I see guys holding hands with other guys? No, i never see it and i would assume its due to the stigma attached to being gay and gays reluctance to exhibit themeselves in front of others. A heck of a lot of people feel uncomfortable being in the company of gay people, which i think is ridiculous

Why do so many famous soccer players, musicians etc "stay in the closet" for so long? its because of how people will view them if they come out the closet and the "disgrace and embarrrassment" they may have to live with. I give you Elton John, George Michael, Duncan James...they worried what the effect would have on them - but did it ruin their careers? No.

So please dont give me the "pity" and "homophobic" garbage, you dont know me - i have gay friends and i couldnt care less what their sexual preferences are

Historically Dave, there have also been times when being black or Catholic have also been viewed as not being 'right'.
And in crazy places, untouched by education, you'll find social dinosaurs saying & believing it still.
They can carry on saying those things & perpetuating bigotry amongst themselves, but not in the real wide world, where rational people will challenge them.
Thats all that is happening here.
You'll find you'll be challenged more & more.
Bigotry is passée' now.
Don't know where you live in the UK Dave, but I see guys holding hands & showing affection all the time.
Maybe I just live somewhere more normal & cosmopolitan?
You'll also find straight men in Turkey & Arabic countries openly hold hands, even the soldiers.
And in many cultures homosexuals and transsexuals are revered.
Especially Asian & Polynesian ones.
So I think you're right when you say your views are blinkered by where you live and that you & your piers haven't had the benefit of broadening your minds through travel & experience, even within your own country.
But many people have travelled, so you're fast becoming the minority, espousing that sort of out dated rhetoric.
The world has changed and expressing those opinions is fast becoming an anathema, even in Britain's backwaters.
Its never too late to catch up though.

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RE: Dealing with an Obnoxious Friend - LTB - 12-09-2011, 09:43 PM
RE: Dealing with an Obnoxious Friend - LTB - 12-10-2011, 08:57 PM
RE: Dealing with an Obnoxious Friend - Hersute - 01-09-2012, 02:17 PM

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