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I am losing my mind... (Please help a fellow out)
11-18-2011, 08:51 PM,
RE: I am losing my mind... (Please help a fellow out)
Can you post a pic of your side/s ? I think you`ve done a good cover-up job with the concealers so I wouldn`t sweat too much about people noticing your new hair when you get it.
The style you show in that pic is a spiky front... I`d be surprised if any salon would have a stock system with that style....much more likely to give you a freestyle system to ease you into wearing and then order a custom-made in the required style. Please don`t `rush`into a `contract`/ commitment with an expensive price-tag / monthly charges etc. a lot of these places operate the same way and gouge loads of cash from vulnerable clients.....you can have the same[ probably better] system from Toplace at a fraction of the price. Skin versus lace...hmmm...well it`s a case of `suck`em and see`...we all have our preferences in terms of base -material and how it feels on our head and our lifestyle [maybe heavy sweating during work-outs etc] The salon may recommend a certain one, but you may find you prefer another for your own reasons etc. Without seeing your side/s, this is a guess now, it looks to me like a freestyle system would suit you just fine to ease you in to wearing..you could have a poly [type of `skin`material] strip around the sides/back, with either Swiss or French lace `middle`/front [French is more durable /less delicate than Swiss] Poly is SO easy to bond and clean so it`s great for a newbie until you `get the hang`of it all...... you can then go for a subsequent system with let`s say, no poly strip, French lace with a Swiss lace front and spiked-up hair at the front as in the pic. --- that type of style obviously `exposes`the front hairline and so Swiss lace will be the most undetectable to sight there. This `game`is not so hard...don`t let them hoodwink you into believing it is..with a bit of research, a selection of products and a template of your bald area you`ll get on just fine.....you`ll never look back. There is NOTHING like having all your own hair...that is not an option for you or me now so plan B has to suffice...... no-one can guarantee that you`ll NEVER get busted if someone casually runs their fingers through your hair, but it`s not hugely likely or inevitable that it will happen.....the main thing is that you get some of your self-confidence back again and begin to look your age too.....hairloss really `ages` people in my opinion..wearing at least gives you back your looks and helps with your `sensitivity` to it. You can easily make a nice template yourself no bothers at all ..there are videos on Youtube showing it and also Snipe has done a tutorial step-by-step on the ``Info links for newbies`thread up at the top of the page there..... I know how this whole hair loss thing can make a person feel so low/depressed that they feel so helpless/hopeless and it can literally take over every minute of every day and leave you feeling almost paralysed emotionally......you`ve taken the first steps now already, so keep on going ..... this is pretty simple, as most wearers will tell you..yeah there are/can be issues but nothing too drastic usually..... cheers, Paul.
Just found the link to Snipe`s excellent tutorial....there are 2 pages of instructions for template-making...hover your cursor/mouse over the individual pics. to get the little `menu`of instructions pertaining to each pic. http://s768.photobucket.com/albums/xx325...ideshow%3E

Messages In This Thread
addendum - furball - 11-19-2011, 03:31 PM
RE: I am losing my mind... (Please help a fellow out) - Paul In Ireland - 11-18-2011, 08:51 PM

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