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Crazy story about a girl, and the wig...
12-22-2008, 10:00 AM,
Re: Crazy story about a girl, and the wig...
Jonesy123 Wrote:I can't really hide it from her (maybe technically I can, but after I know how she feels about it, it would not be morally right, especially since she’s very good looking and it’s extremely easy for her to find very attractive men who don’t wear wigs, thought they won’t have my character that she likes so much…).

MORALITY? Really!!?? Is wearing hair a notch below Ponzi scheme mastermind? Or two notches below child molester?

You're assuming that until and unless you confess your sin of hair loss you're culpable for the future severe, life-altering emotional trauma that's going to result for her (or some imaginary future woman) when she discovers the secret double life you've been leading. That's actually an insulting attitude to have about anybody you consider to be your partner -- though I know you don't intend for that to be so.

Quote:it’s just funny that hair is going to keep us apart (and in this special situation a wig doesn't seem to be the answer...).

You're demeaning yourself here. Hair or the lack of it is not going to keep you apart. Know that you're maturity and your emotional security is not captive to your hairline. Balding sucks, no doubt, but to believe that that it's going to decide your fate is a lie. Your attitude about it is what is determinative -- regardless of whether you choose to go au natural or become a wearer. Let me repeat that: it's YOUR attitude that's going to decide your romantic success. Unfortunately, too many of us believe that other people are as captive to our insecurities as we are. It's just not true. There are MILLIONS of woman looking for love. And there are also MILLIONS of very attractive and very psychologically healthy woman who couldn't give a rat's ass how thick and luxurious a head of hair you may or may not have. (Sure, some women will insist on this or that physical trait, but that's only some women. Even if the lack of hair was a deal breaker for the majority of women -- and I don't believe that for a second -- there are still an abundant of great woman available.)

Don't be a victim to your hair loss. Do something about it if you want to. But feel good about your choice whatever it is -- not ashamed of it. Carrying around a sense of shame is crippling. I take it you're still very young. Be careful not to waste the years of youth obsessing about how people are going to react to the state of your hair. It's a self-punishing illusion. Your embarrassment is self-generated. Take this to the bank: People are infinitely more obsessed with their own shortcomings (real or imagined) than they are with yours.

Garry Shandling said it best: It's not the hair on your head that matters. It's the kind of hair you have inside.

Please take this dose of tough love in the spirit in which it was intended.

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Re: Crazy story about a girl, and the wig... - Bangless - 12-22-2008, 10:00 AM

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