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Maybe I'm just a GREASEBALL !! - Battle of the Glues ..
09-30-2008, 09:31 AM,
Maybe I'm just a GREASEBALL !! - Battle of the Glues ..
Glues .. Glues ... Glues ..

Going on my third week as a wearer ..
I love these tapes .. ST-30 .. Walkers ..
and the poly perimeter ..

Damn .. don't even know where the tapes
connect and they don't shift ...

But these glues .
Maybe my skin's weird .. or the radioactive
chemistry from the NYC water I drink and bath in ..

Or the fact my office is just a stone's throw
from the World Trade Center (9/11) site ..

Used I-Glue for two weeks.
Every morning would have to reapply ...
1-2-3 coats .. and all those nasty
little glue buggers

I'd get LIFT in the front !

This week .. trying TITE-GRIP ... much nicer
2 days .. no lift ... 3rd day ... lift ....

For the newbies ... I'd say I'm glad I started
with white glue .. this Tite-Grip STICKS to
everything .. 1 drop .. it's on my fingers ..
my comb .. pretty lethal sucker ....

I think I'm going to try another white glue
This stuff is even impervious to my 99 percent
alcohol ...

(BTW) Di Di disposed of the applicator and
gave me a bunch of wooden sticks about
1/3 the size of an ice cream pop stick to
dab it on )

Some advice and any recommendations on your
experience with glues ..would be appreciated !


First ... will the Tite-Grip come off readily
with Lace Release? (I didn't have to remove
it the second day .. did it itself) ...
It does have a bit of a shine to it ...

Had dinner with my dad and stepmom
two nights ago ... No body notices a damn
thing ... I don't know if that is a GOOD or
BAD thing ! Smile

But I do notice some Asian and Indian
women and guys looking at me approvingly
lately ... maybe I'm wearing one of their
relatives hair ! Smile

P.P.S. I'm jealous of you guys who are able to
make it to the England and Spanish Toplace
Conference ... Windsor was a blast .. and
the company ... was superb ... !
09-30-2008, 09:51 AM,
Re: Maybe I'm just a GREASEBALL !! - Battle of the Glues ..
You can try one of the strong anti-perspirants on your scalp before apply the glue, like Maxim <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.stopsweat.com/item/Maxim">http://www.stopsweat.com/item/Maxim</a><!-- m -->
put a very thin layer on, wait a good half hour, then apply glue.

I notice you mention lift at the front, and that always seems to be the case for most of us, lift in the front, decent hold everywheres else.
Have you tried the frontal sealer BA had mentioned before? A sealer in the front can make a big difference.
Also, a big one for myself is to get the front soaking wet in the shower everyday, as you would if shampooing it but you dont have to shampoo, just get it good and wet with warm water.
Tilt your head back and have the water flow in such a manner as to have it slick your hairline back.
This will allow your scap to be rinsed of most dirt and oil, sweat, etc that loosens your bond.
Do it carefully as the warm water will temporarily loosen the bond, and once you get out of the shower you can gently lift and slick back any stray hairs, use a comb to lightly press the lace at the front to be sure its seated, then use a microfiber wash cloth to wipe any excess glue or glue sealer down your forehead and away from your hairline.
Once your hair dries, the bond will reharden itself without all the sweat and oil in there, so it`ll be almost like a new front.

On every third day or so, add shampoo to this routine for a nice clean scalp.

edited to add-
after the bond rehardens and the hair dries, add a thin layer of lace sealer to the front and after it sets, the front can then be styled however you like, as I know some guys dont want it slicked back.
09-30-2008, 06:52 PM,
Re: Maybe I'm just a GREASEBALL !! - Battle of the Glues ..
Iglue only gave me a day's hold too. You might try CP ORWG, or get BA to send you the rest of the Perma Rite #15 that I sent him to see if it works better for you.

With these glues, I can get at least a two week hold.

Caveat: I don't comb my hair back. I don't think I could get a good-looking two-week front hairline with these glues without learning some new techniques. E.g, perhaps the ones that MB just posted.

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