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The BA saga.
12-07-2011, 03:40 PM,
RE: The BA saga.

Sorry I offended you---I didn't mean to. You did make a lot of valuable contributions to the forum over the years. And I always saw you like me to be in search of the holy grail of hairwearing. I saw that as a good thing. Even if you had collected lace samples, that isn't a bad thing from my point of view. As far as the posting drunk comment, that was something you once said you had done. I only meant that as light hearted ribbing. But again, sorry if that struck the wrong cord with you.

And I certainly wasn't a BA defender nor did I ever get a free piece, nor did I ever voice my agreement with BA any time he put down people.
12-07-2011, 03:56 PM,
RE: The BA saga.
lol It's cool I am not offended.. Its hard to offend me I am like a goofball class clown type. I just wanted to make sure people didn't get the wrong idea because a lot of times I believe what i was saying was honest and I would get hounded which in turn made me fight with people more since i was younger and immature. Now I would just let it go and say FU.. But than I really tried hard to state my points.

In all honesty. I liked getting samples back than to try and find that thin lace I was after, but it wasn't as much as BA used to say. I think he sent me lace samples maybe 2 or 3 times TOPS.. and that is over a span of 11 years. But he made the joke and i went along with it, but people took it too literally. Do you remember that "new18" lace.. that stuff was such garbage.. Huge pink threads that would stretch and look horrible in different lighting.. Ultralace till this day had the best lace materials I have seen.. But it was a very shady company and I wouldn't want to do business with them. But their bleach job and laces were top notch.. They had a great product, but something about them was off.. maybe it was the language barrier.. Their site is the same it was like 10 years ago. I don't even think it really is operational.. and they seem to have weird ventilation.
Sorry Dino.. I re-read my post and I came off a bit sharp. My apologies. I guess my brain got taken back to that time when I used to get frustrated at the responses from people in light of the obvious. There were dudes who bought like 30 hair systems from BA who made one little complaint and the whole forum would like crucify the guy till he just left. Or when BA or Jeff would say the new 18 was the best lace available and they were totally full of shit.

Remember dino how I used to defend coolpiece when everyone was trying to condemn the guy and his products. I did a lot for that dude even recommended a shit load of people to him and all he turned out to be was a very shrewdy businessman. Thats why I am very happy John is in here now. He seems like a very stand up guy.
12-08-2011, 09:48 AM,
RE: The BA saga.
Yo dino.. did u ever email me?
12-08-2011, 12:53 PM,
RE: The BA saga.
Hey Xeon..I am just about to....thanks for your reply.
12-08-2011, 01:45 PM,
RE: The BA saga.
dino, off topic but recently I've been trying to search these forums to find pics of your full cap. I'm waiting for my first one so naturally I'm eager to see people who wear them. PaulFromIreland's been a big help. I did find one of you, it's the back of your head and it's cut very short for a FC, and it looked completely natural. Do you have any more you can post, of the sides/top/front? I would love to see them. I'm a little nervous so I could use a nice shot of inspiration Wink

If there are links of other pictures of your FC, I could not find them on the forum. There were just so many threads to sort through.

12-08-2011, 09:38 PM,
RE: The BA saga.
(12-07-2011, 02:29 PM)ulao Wrote: michaelg - Call me an egghead again I will beat you senseless! -- j/k You quoted the wrong person. but htis is not correct "were not any less expensive than here" -- BA's prices were at times $35 cheaper. I think possibly he did this to long term customers. This is only a guess but I did not pay TL prices.

come again?
thats the user name of the person i quoted. so....
12-08-2011, 10:09 PM,
RE: The BA saga.
Let`s keep things pleasant/friendly ---look at/read the posts properly before flying off the handle. michaelg was replying to the member, who`s user-name is `egghead`.
12-09-2011, 04:29 AM,
RE: The BA saga.
A few of us on this forum attended BA's, Las Vegas convention, about 4 years ago. Think it was at the Bellagio ?
Anyways, he provided food , beverages all day convention with Debbie present doing cut-ins all day long ! Never seen her stop for 5 minutes and was a real pleasant person, answering questions as she was cutting.
BA was really nice and pleasant and even gave me like 2 or 3 hair pieces for free to take back home for my brother to try out. Told him I would return any that did not work out,,,,,,he said just keep the extra's and maybe pass them on to someone else.
The night before the convention we all spent an evening in the casino lounge, visiting, meeting and making new friends and to this day keep in touch. Amongst them were some of the old timers that you don't see on the forums anymore and some that still come to the forums. Names that you would reconize right off !
In my opinion all I can say is something drastically happened to Gary.
OBVIOUSLY !! Hopefully one day he can pull it back together and right the wrong !Just was not the same guy we all met ! N ot the same guy that even Debbie probably knew better than any of us and she is also bewildered !!
12-09-2011, 05:45 AM,
RE: The BA saga.
One thing that's very clear from all this is that we need more conventions!
12-09-2011, 06:39 AM,
RE: The BA saga.
Im actually not a big fan of conventions. I know some hair system companies do it, they usually do it to promote their business.. But they don't do me any good. I really have no interest in going to any convention.. 90 percent or more of clients and customers are strictly online customers. And if their orders are screwed up or they aren't getting refunds, or if they get crucified on the forums, they really don't care what nice things happen at conventions. I used to try to tell BA that in the most polite way when he talked about all the money he blew at various conventions. I rather a company work harder on providing a good product on time than in person meetings because this is all about hair replacement online.

BA was super nice to a lot of people.. but he was like a double edged sword. I know BA said his brother was sick or died and if that is the case than maybe that had something to do with it. But besides that I always saw the collapse of his company in a very gradual way. People didn't just disappear all at once.. they slowly disappeared one by one till finally the whole company collapsed. He sold Toplace to john, when according to John, left with a huge debt and didn't pay the factories the money.. I am sure this wasn't something overnight... why would he just ditch the company he worked so hard to build. In the end, I think no one truly knows the man or what happened, but I doubt he is the saint people once thought he was... no one really is in this world. Perhaps it could be something even as simple as he wasn't good at business and got into things way over his head. who knows

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