ToplaceUSA Wrote:Dale,
Of course it's a piece--you only notice the bad hair pieces--the good ones are undetectable.
John open as I am about my hair, it gives me great pleasure to think that when I go out in public I'm fooling 99.999999999% of the general public, and I would venture to guess even 99% of hairwearers.
Seriously...this full cap thing is awesome. Couple of drawbacks, but the benefits are many.
I attended a business convention recently, and for the first time realized that one of the "BigWigs" (pardon the pun) at a company I do business with was wearing a piece.
It actually wasn't a bad piece, the color was well matched, but it was a LITTLE thick but what REALLY gave it away was his receding sides.
Point is, I've been in this hair game for a couple of years now, attended several conventions, and have been around quite a few hairwearers, and I honestly had no clue until something caused me to take a second look.
So yea, I agree. A hairpiece that is done right will fool even a hairwearer. Don't underestimate how real these suckers can look.