I have a question about front hairline attachment.I'm planning on attaching using all tape and also will leave about 1/4 inch of lace in the front. Is it necessary to use glue on the extra lace? Is so Im looking for opinions on what glue everyone uses.
If you want to use tape on the front, you can--- but it has to go all the way to the edge of the lace. However, as the others implied, the most undetectable way to attach the front hairline will be with glue.
Tapehead Wrote:If you want to use tape on the front, you can--- but it has to go all the way to the edge of the lace. However, as the others implied, the most undetectable way to attach the front hairline will be with glue.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I now know glue is the way to go. I'll probably use tape up to the hairline and use glue on the extra lace. I guess I'll have to try different glue and see what works the best for me. I was thinking of starting with Walker Safe Grip.
you can use blue tape if you use it correctly. A method i have used before is draw out the hairline with a makeup pencil or whatever method you use. than attach the blue tape to the scalp. U can even stretch the tape out as you attach using the st30 attachment method etc. once u have the tapes on ur head, u take a tape backing and rub it in a downwards motion on the tape to dull any shine. It works well. blue tape can be very invisible if you know what you are doing.