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How much money are you saving? read this article....
08-06-2009, 04:09 AM,
How much money are you saving? read this article....
This makes for painful reading:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.independent.ie/unsorted/features/when-baldness-is-a-ridge-too-far-280511.html">http://www.independent.ie/unsorted/feat ... 80511.html</a><!-- m -->
08-06-2009, 05:24 AM,
Re: How much money are you saving? read this article....
Mr.Burns Wrote:This makes for painful reading:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.independent.ie/unsorted/features/when-baldness-is-a-ridge-too-far-280511.html">http://www.independent.ie/unsorted/feat ... 80511.html</a><!-- m -->

It certainly does Mr Burns! Sad Firstly, from my own experience, it's the thought that the AHS is thinking of starting operations in Ireland and that makes me puke. My second gripe with that article is the language used by the 'journalist'. What a lazy, uninformative, gap filling excersise in futility that article was. And what a wasted opportunity :evil: A much more interesting approach would have been an investigation into rip-off companies that shortchange their clients and how complaints and concerns raised are ignored. If his story was aimed at the general readership of that rag then he's left them thinking...Gee, this hair loss stuff is extortionate! And OK so he's bald and happy but there are, as we all know here, thousands of men, women and children who are unhappy about it. I'm sick of the way the media cover hair-loss stories. It's nearly always from a mans perspective and often deeply mocking and offensive, which is odd when you think how image obsessed the media are. As for the cost, well it depends how much you want hair and how deep your pockets are.

I hope there's a way to bombard ireland with links to this forum and away from overpriced, overexsposed and overrated hair replacement companies.

My little rant is over now! :oops:
08-06-2009, 05:26 AM,
Re: How much money are you saving? read this article....
Oh, btw Mr. b, the answer to your question is.......Sh1tloads! Big Grin
08-06-2009, 05:27 AM,
Re: How much money are you saving? read this article....
As it happens, one of the lads from my town now works for AHS! He used to travel 9 hours a month (roundtrip) and pay huge prices, but they've taken him on as an employee and now he gets free hair from them, but he's gotta live in the city far away from home.

He seems happy enough with this situation, but when he saw my hair he was very impressed and surprised with the quality and couldn't believe I was DIY (he didn't know it was even possible without a salon).

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