Nearly Natural Spray - can it be used to often?
I have the Nearly Natural Hair Softener Spray here, and I think it is actually meant to reanimate dull and brittle hair.
However, as I want to keep my wig hair from BECOMING brittle as long as possible, I usually use the Nearly Natural Spray with each change (that is: once in 7 days) - as an act of precaution, as I want to keep the current look as long as possible. Can that, be done to VERY NICE looking wig hair (as I have these days), be too much/frequently? Would the silocone cause any harm (on the long run) to the surface/structre of wig hair that is still in good/smooth/shiny condition?
Should I wait with using the spray until I notice brittleness? Or is it okay to use it even on a new piece over 4 (or 5) months once a week?