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Mane and Tail
04-16-2009, 04:40 AM,
Mane and Tail
Been using this product and love it for fullness ,softness and body........Its used on horses for show and anyone who has ever had contact with a horses tail or mane knows who stiff they are. this stuff softens the hair and adds a fullness I have never experienced before with any product. I apply when towel dry and air blow.

Just an FYI for those who wear their hair longer,

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04-18-2009, 10:32 AM,
Re: Mane and Tail
I have used this product on my horses for years. It does work great for that purpose, but I never tried it on Toplace products. Maybe I'll try it on an old unit and see what happens. It does smell good, and it might even attract some pretty cowgirls if I can find the right bar to hang out in.

Take care,

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