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hi guys! questions before my third order - Printable Version

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hi guys! questions before my third order - waldojesus - 11-14-2012

been wearing about one and a half years now, and although it was mostly a good experience, the more i think about the more i feel like i could have done so much better. i found myself wearing hats more often than i would have liked to, due to some discoloring other issues. so i'm trying to fix as much as possible with my next order.

i read some time ago that one method to guarantee invisible knots at the hairline, is to order the front part with white hairs, and carefully color them yourself. what's the verdict on this? does it work? will i not fuck it up? would it even be a good idea to have a stripe of white hairs along the middle and ending in the crown, so that if i wear my hair parted in the middle (wear it a little longish) i know there wont be knots showing?

secondly, is there any way to counteract discoloring in advance? i get that little bit of red after 3-4 months, and although it only gets bad after 6-8 months of wearing, once it starts it just makes me so paranoid. also i promised myself this time i will not hesitate to spend some money on proper products to keep the color in shape.

thanks in advance for any help guys,
your all awesome

RE: hi guys! questions before my third order - Xeon005 - 11-14-2012

Some people order blonde and recolor. For me. I find nothing wrong with the bleached knots I get. I think sometimes people are a big paranoid over knots. But yeah there are people who get blonde, "not sure about white" hair and recolor.

There are products out there like color corrective products that are used to maintain color. I think one of them is called....... damn my brain.. I'll have to bet back to you.. I can't remember. Its a guy who sells this product line that a lot of people used to talk about. I just can't remember I will have to look it up..

For me.. When the system gets real bad i just recolor.. But I find that using styling products such as waxworks really helps with the color difference. Sometimes just going in different lighting conditions can change up the color of the system because of the way it reflects light.. but using certain styling products dampens the hair a little and prevents this. Also my hair style helps. I have kind of a fade.. my hair is very short on the bottom and increases in length as you go up. This different hair length helps me with the illusion and I don't worry about hair color difference as much because even if the piece ends up being slightly different color in lets say sun light. It doesn't stand out because of the haircut. Hard to explain.

RE: hi guys! questions before my third order - MorkFromOrk - 11-14-2012

Ive had good success with coloring blonde pieces and I've colored an entire piece from blonde to median ash brown which is a very very brown color . I found what works for me is smearing the bottom of the lace with gel (I use Dippity Do gel because it's cheap). I carefully color the hair with a comb and then I get a small artists brush which I buy at the dollar store and use that to get down to the roots.

The first part is actually quite easy but the roots take time. The gel will protect the lace for the most part. When I first started doing this I did get a few spots on the lace but was able to bleach them out. Last couple of times I've done this I haven't gotten anything on the lace so the gel works well.

But I can't emphasize enough that you have to dye the hair shaft right down to the lace or you will have very visible blond roots which looks goofy. I refuse to accept knots at the hairline so going blonde front is the only way for me.

And another thing to keep in mind is that you are going to need to match up your hair color on the piece with a dye. I got a lot of this wrong at the beginning and kept picking the wrong color. Finally got it right when my wife took a hair sample to sallys beauty supply (I'm too Macho a guy to go in there lol) and she matched up my hair sample with the correct color and now it's spot on.

RE: hi guys! questions before my third order - Paul In Ireland - 11-14-2012

I think the product Xeon is trying to remember is ``Back2Natural`` ... if you use this from the word ` go`, it will help prevent the reddish tones appearing..... it`s not as /so effective once that colour -issue becomes obvious..... it`s a case of ` prevention is better than cure`. If /when the red tones appear, you`ll have to then use one of the ` normal` colouring products available in Pharmacies etc.
You can just Google ``Back2Natural`` and you`ll find suppliers.